Cake for Breakfast

I just ate cake for breakfast. Oh yes I did and I don’t feel bad about it AT all. And it’s not some homemade cake we had lying around after the holiday, it is the store bought, sold one slice at a time, extremely overly iced and super sugary kind that I can only eat about five bites of before my teeth start to hurt a little.

You see, I’m supposed to be getting up an hour earlier every day and sometimes I need to be able to tell myself something good to get out of bed. After Christmas is over and that slump between Christmas and New Year’s hits I know I should be doing something (like planning for the great year 2019 is going to be or working out or laundry) but I’m can’t decide what and I need some motivation to get out of bed that extra hour early. So cake it is. I savored every bite, hid the rest in the back of the refrigerator and most likely will finish it off tomorrow.

Mom tip: Give yourself a break. It’s okay not to have a high protein super green whey packed vitamin rich low calorie healthy super food amino acid thingy for breakfast every morning all the time. Just eat some cake for breakfast once in a while with your coffee. Try it. Savor it. Then get back on that healthy horse tomorrow (or the day after that). XOXO

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